Shropshire Star

Exodus of senior people from Shropshire health body is for a 'mix of reasons' insists under fire leadership

Concerns have been raised over the way a major health organisation is lead.


The Shropshire Star understands that at least two people associated with the body that commissions health services across the county have lodged official grievances about the leadership of chief executive, Simon Whitehouse.

The organisation insists that there is 'one live grievance' which is being investigated.

Six senior people have recently left the Shropshire Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Board, including the key posts of chief nursing officer and the chief medical officer.

One insider accused the leadership of the Shropshire Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Board of "brushing concerns under the carpet" and for "finding reasons why complaints are not valid."

The insider added: "They have been trying to link the issue to the restructuring and that is the reason why staff are unhappy. But that is not the reason."

Concerns among board members and directors are understood to be around a leadership 'lack of reaction' to an NHS Staff Survey and a report into racism, among other issues of the culture of the organisation.

"The chief executive goes into defensive mode whenever he is challenged," they said.

Complainants are understood to be calling for an independent investigation into the leadership of the ICB.

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