Shropshire Star

Newspapers safe for people to handle, says World Health Organisation

Newspapers remain safe for people to handle, say experts from the World Health Organisation.


Readers can be assured receiving and flicking through the pages of their paper is safe.

Midland News Association, which publishes this paper, is taking safety measures as an extra precaution. Our delivery drivers and merchandisers have been instructed to wear gloves and, while most of the production process is automated, employees are undertaking additional sanitising before and after going to press.

Newspapers have continued to publish even in the worst-hit areas of the world, including Italy and China. Experts from the World Health Organisation say it is safe to receive packages such as newspapers, even from areas which have reported cases of Covid-19.

According to the World Health Organisation: “The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes Covid-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low”.

The reassurance also extends to Royal Mail and Amazon packages.

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