Shropshire Star

Bit of fresh air as Shropshire gets used to restrictions and keeps fit in lockdown

From yesterday Brits were only out for exercise once a day, so how have Shrewsbury's keep fitters been using their allotted time during the Covid-19 lockdown?

A lone runner in The Quarry in Shrewsbury - where it is usually busy with people

The Quarry Park was far from bustling, but there were still a few people out and about, jogging, cycling, rowing and going for walkies.

The Bruton family from Shrewsbury were in the park for a walk with their dog Tilly. Brothers Sam, 11, and Charlie, 9, are both keen gymnasts and have also been trying to keep fit by doing the Joe Wicks PE lessons on YouTube.

Mum Faye said: "I had a go as well but I'd broke my toe so couldn't do it properly. The boys have been doing their school work as well. We're trying to keep them in some sort of routine.

"They're gymnasts and all the clubs are shut at the moment so we're waiting for them to send exercises so they can keep their muscles conditioned.

"I'm actually really nervous. I think it will get very difficult.


"We're walking the dog for some fresh air. We're going to try and do it every day while we still can."

Dad Jonathan added: "We'll need it to survive and keep happy."

Margaret Connarty was fully geared up for a six-mile run in the Quarry. She regularly pounds the streets with the Shropshire Shufflers running club, but with people being kept apart due to Covid-19, she's currently flying solo.

She said: "I'm getting used to it. It's the not being able to just go out here and there that's difficult and only for certain things.


"I'm trying to avoid busy places while I'm out running. Some of the pavements here are pretty busy though. Everyone in the club is just doing runs on their own and trying to be sensible. It's all very strange."

Electrician Aidy Jones from Copthorne was out for a bike ride with sons Jack, 12, and Freddie, 8. All three are part of Saha Football Club - Jack and Freddie as players and Aidy manages Jack's team.

They've been finding other ways of keeping fit with football being ruled out.

Jack seems happy enough, saying: "I'll just ride my bike."

Freddie and his pals, though, have found a clever way to keep scoring.

Aidy said: "Their team have been doing skills and sending each other videos on Whatsapp. Freddie hasn't been nominated yet but he's been practicing."

He added: "They've been doing the Joe Wicks PE sessions as well."