Tourism chief says industry in shock due to coronavirus lockdown
A tourism chief has spoken of how the industry is in shock as it comes to terms with the impact of the coronavirus crisis.
Andrew Campbell, Wales Tourism Alliance chairman, was speaking as the majority of tourism businesses have been faced with complete shutdown.
Government measures on social distancing and non-essential travel have all but closed tourism as a industry across the globe.
Mr Campbell has said that government support has "exceeded expectations" and will allow many businesses a chance at survival.
He has however also spoken of the profound sense of shock at what has been an unprecedented crisis.
He said: "In reality, there are no words that can express the dilemma that we are all in. Our sympathy is first and foremost with all those who are having to deal with the virus, either because they have been directly touched by it in some way or they are dealing with it on the front line.
"At a time of crisis, it has been heartening to see people and organisations within the sector coming together and working for the common good. Such an approach will be necessary in the time ahead to build firmer foundations and to secure market opportunities within the recovery period.
"For tourism it is difficult at this moment to find clarity and solid ground, but what we do know for sure is tourism has changed. Not just for Wales, but for all countries across the world. Problems and challenges that we are grappling with are being shared globally - and within such a short timeframe these often life changing problems have not been easy to solve.
"The last week has witnessed unprecedented change. Without doubt, tourism in the future will need to reset and move forward in a very different way. But move forward in a way that will present both challenges and, more importantly, opportunities.
"The support and recognition given to our industry by central Government has exceeded expectations and we must be grateful for financial measures put in place. At a time when many businesses face closure, with significant loss of jobs, Government intervention - if it is delivered effectively and efficiently - will, we hope, ensure survival for many, although we recognise not all. Whilst there is still much to do to protect businesses, we must build on the lifeline given."
He added: "Needless to say, the tourism industry in Wales is in shock. The timing of the crisis at the beginning of the season, after investment has been made during the winter, compounding cash flow pressures, could not have been worse. No customers equals no income, equals possible business closure."