Shropshire Star

Three more coronavirus deaths in Shropshire as UK death toll passes 15,000

Three more coronavirus patients have been confirmed to have died in Shropshire as the UK death toll passed 15,000.

Last updated

The latest figures announced on Saturday mean 61 people have now died with Covid-19 in Shropshire.

A total of 58 patients have died at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals Trust, two have died at Robert Jones Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen and one has died in the care of Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust.

Meanwhile the UK death toll increased by 888 to 15,464.

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In England 784 more deaths were confirmed, with the youngest patient being 26 and the oldest being 100. Of those who died, 38 had no underlying health conditions.

In Wales 28 more deaths were confirmed, taking the total to 534.

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An NHS England statement said: "A further 784 people, who tested positive for the Coronavirus have died, bringing the total number of confirmed reported deaths in hospitals in England to 13,918.

"Patients were aged between 26 and 100 years old. 38 of the 784 patients (aged between 44 and 96 years old) had no known underlying health condition.

"Their families have been informed."

PPE and care home concerns continue

The statistics released by the NHS each day only include people who died in hospital, meaning the full death toll is likely to be far higher.

As many as 7,500 people are feared to have died after contracting coronavirus in care homes, according to a leading industry body.

Care England, which represents independent care firms, said it had collected data which suggested fatalities are far higher than those released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – who recorded 217 care home deaths from the virus up until April 3.

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Meanwhile the Government continues to come under pressure over the shortage of protective equipment available to hospitals, care homes and key workers across the country.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street confirmed there had been "significant shortfalls" in deliveries to councils across the region compared to what had been promised by the Government.

And a British Medical Association survey of more than 6,000 doctors across the country said a significant amount of them remain without the protection they need to guard against Covid-19.

It was revealed that doctors and nurses in England will be asked to work without full-length gowns and to reuse items when treating coronavirus patients ahead of expected shortages of protective garments, prompting outrage from unions.

At the daily briefing on Saturday Robert Jenrick said hundreds of thousands of PPE pieces would be delivered over the coming days.

In other coronavirus news, Telford & Wrekin Council has issued guidance to about what action it is allowed to take regarding noisy neighbours.

The council urged people to show understanding and not report loud footsteps or household appliances and encouraged residents to keep volumes down and to only carry out DIY between 9am and 5pm.