Shropshire Star

Hospital workers presented with a tasty thank you for their efforts

Hospital and care home staff have been enjoying a free lunch as a thank you for their work during the coronavirus pandemic.

Food donation to Victoria Memorial Hospital in Welshpool from the Hermitage Care Home and Shrewsbury Barbecue and Grill.

Workers at The Welshpool Victoria Memorial Hospital and the Hermitage Care home in the town were presented with the food by the home's director, Shyam Patel.

Mr Patel said it was a small way of saying thank you for their efforts in looking after patients and residents, while under the strain caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

Joining together with Shrewsbury Barbecue and Grill Mr Patel delivered 40 pizzas, portions and chips, and drinks to staff at the hospital, and ten of each to staff at the care home.

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He said: "Obviously these are testing times and these guys, the key workers, are doing an amazing job. It is just a small gesture of our appreciation for everything they have been doing. It does not truly reflect the efforts they are making but it is just something we can do to show out support."

Mr Patel also praised the efforts of staff at the Hermitage for keeping residents safe.

He said: "They have been absolutely fantastic, they have been so pro-active, so willing to help, coming together as a team which is why fortunately our care home is in a good place. We took early note of what Covid-19 is, put processes in place, stuck to the criteria and we are still running a healthy happy home."

Mr Patel said he also believed the public appreciation for the efforts of care home workers was growing as more understood the situation they have faced with the outbreak.

He said: "I think people are starting to realise the importance of our care home workers and how they support everything that the NHS does."

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