Shropshire Star

Shropshire health chiefs urge people to 'be kind' during Mental Health Awareness Week

Health bosses are asking people to support this year’s theme of ‘kindness’ as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.


The week, which runs from Monday, is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation and highlights the need for us all to look after our minds as well as our bodies.

The aim of the week is to raise public awareness of mental health and to promote good mental health for all through acts of kindness.

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Groups are urging people to show kindness to others.

Dr Julian Povey, chair of Shropshire CCG and local GP, said: “Looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

Covid-19 coverage:

"The coronavirus pandemic and lockdown have been very challenging and people’s mental health will have been affected in various ways.

“Many people will be feeling lonely, isolated, stressed and anxious during this difficult period, so we must do all we can to look after each other and support one another’s mental wellbeing.

"So, I am appealing to people to show a little kindness which can make a big difference to someone’s mental health and wellbeing.”

Dr Jo Leahy, chair of Telford and Wrekin CCG and local GP, said: “I’m proud that so many residents across the county have been showing acts of kindness by volunteering to help vulnerable groups in our communities during the lockdown.

“Being kind to others makes us feel good and also lifts the spirits of those who receive acts of kindness.

"Some of the benefits of kindness include feeling less isolated, creating a sense of belonging, helping to reduce stress, deepening friendships, boosting self-esteem and improving feelings of confidence and optimism.”

During Mental Health Awareness Week, local health leaders are supporting the campaign by asking you to do three things.

People are asked to reflect on an act of kindness or share ideas on how they think we could build a kinder society that would support our mental health, using the hashtags #KindnessMatters and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

Use the campaign resources from the Mental Health Foundation website at

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