Extra services launched for mental health week
Shropshire Council has launched a £42,000 series of new services to mark Mental Health Week, which runs until Sunday.
The council's public health team said more than 40,000 people in the area aged 16 or over had a mental health disorder, a figure that had been increasing since the start of the coronavirus outbreak.
The council has introduced a new online information guide, providing details of support that is available, as well as tips for self-isolation, activities for children during the lockdown, and help to manage anxiety. The guide can be viewed at shropshire.gov.uk/media/14773/mental-health-guide-apr20-final.pdf
Shropshire Mind has also launched free online anxiety, stress and wellbeing workshops using the Zoom video conference app. The sessions are held three days a week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3pm-4pm, and Thursdays 4pm-5pm.
People can join the Zoom meeting at us02web.zoom.us/j/85043721339?pwd=MkludGZiN1cwRG9IUW1qOHdXT3ptZz09 with the meeting ID 850 4372 1339 and password: 799957
The council is also providing advice about telephone support services that are available round the clock for anyone concerned about suicidal thoughts in themselves or someone else.
A new booklet for anyone who has been recently bereaved as a result of the coronavirus will also be launched next week. The guide has been produced in collaboration with bereavement support group Cruse, Samaritans and Severn Hospice.
Councillor Dean Carroll, cabinet member for public health, said the coronavirus pandemic had changed most people's lives in some way.
"It is normal to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated, and is OK to feel this way," he said.
"However, there may be times when we could benefit from some extra help or a listening ear.
“I am delighted that our public health team, along with the support of our social care, NHS and voluntary and community organisations, have worked together to produce these easily accessible resources.
"I would encourage anyone who maybe feeling low, or needs some advice to support their mental health and wellbeing, to utilise these great resources.”
There is also a dedicated mental health page hosted on the Shropshire Council website shropshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/information-for-the-public/mental-health-and-wellbeing/