Shropshire Star

Shropshire college student helping frontline workers at Telford hospital

A Shropshire college student has been working as a healthcare assistant on a Covid-19 hospital ward throughout the coronavirus crisis.

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Ethan Lowe

Ethan Lowe, 20, from Trench, is combining his work at the Princess Royal Hospital in Telford with an access to higher education course at Telford College.

Having witnessed first-hand the impact of the virus, Ethan says his attitude to life is: “Just keep safe – especially during this pandemic – and chase any dreams you have, as nothing is impossible.”

Ethan, who had previously built experience as a community carer for 12 months, says his long-term dream is to become a paramedic.

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“I got the role at PRH through applying online, and went for an interview for the unscheduled care group," he said.

"This was a value-based interview to see how much I knew, and how I would react.

“I was appointed to the respiratory ward, and started my in-hospital training.”


Ethan signed up for the access to higher education course at Telford College after speaking with his careers advisor.

“After dealing with incidents as a first aider, I took an interest and passion in the medical aspect and patient care side of things,” he said.

“The Telford College course itself is great. There have been bumps in the road for all of us, especially under current circumstances, but the tutors are supportive and understanding; they have a wealth of knowledge to support us in our studies.

“If we are ever struggling with specific things in assignments, there are always resources available from the tutors to help us overcome the challenges.”

Ethan Lowe

Ethan added: “During college I’ve learned to keep pushing to follow and achieve goals in life, as well as realising that it is okay to ask for help.

“From my time working as a healthcare assistant I have also learned to keep my pride in my stride, and always deliver care with a smile.”

Caroline Bastow, learner manager for higher education and access at Telford College, said: “We are hugely proud of our students, like Ethan, who are balancing their academic studies with key worker roles.

“Not only are they gaining priceless experience for their future careers, but they are doing an amazing job of providing a vital service to the community when they need it most.

“We have continued to deliver our courses online throughout the Covid-19 lockdown, and our tutors have been amazing – continuing to support students on a one-to-one basis.”