Shropshire Star

Free online support for unpaid carers in Shropshire thanks to partnership

Residents in the county who look after a family member, friend or neighbour are able to connect with others and access free support online thanks to a new partnership.

Last updated

Over the last few months, an estimated 34,000 people in Shropshire have taken on additional caring responsibilities.

These range from checking in on a neighbour and helping out with shopping, all the way through to providing round-the-clock personal care for a family member or friend.

And while lockdown may now be heading towards an end, many of those caring roles and responsibilities could continue, perhaps for some time to come.

It is with that in mind that Shropshire Council has announced a new partnership to boost the support available to unpaid carers in the county over the coming months.

Mobilise, the online community created ‘by carers, for carers’, will now offer its range of free online support to Shropshire residents with caring roles.

Support includes regular contact through emails, ‘virtual cuppas’ and even face-to face coaching sessions, also run virtually.

Councillor Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council's cabinet member for adult social care, public health and climate change, said: “The Covid-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for us all, but particularly for family carers who, in many cases, have been providing round the clock support for the person they care for without outside assistance from family or care and support services.

"We know many carers are feeling isolated and want to do all we can to help reduce their isolation, so Shropshire Council is really pleased to be working with Mobilise to increase the amount of support for carers in Shropshire.

“Supporting residents of Shropshire who find themselves in the role of a carer is a key priority for our council.

"We’re really pleased, therefore, that Mobilise is working with us to increase the amount of support available to Shropshire carers.”

James Townsend, CEO of Mobilise, said: “There’s never been a more important time for those of us with caring responsibility to come together and support each other.

"Working closely alongside Shropshire Council and existing carer support services, we will be sharing the wisdom, experience and know-how picked up by carers across the country to make sure nobody is alone."

The Mobilise service is free to use and can be accessed at

Mobilise is currently extending its service with other local authorities across England.

“Our ambition is to share the collected wisdom and know-how of the estimated 13.5 million people with caring responsibilities in our country," said Mr Townsend.

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