Shropshire Star

Public urged to remain vigilant against virus

As the country comes to terms with the return of more stringent social distancing rules, Shropshire residents have been urged to hold their nerve and not let the number of Covid cases creep back up.

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The public have been warned to follow guidelines as the number of cases starts to rise

Concerns over the number of cases nationally has led the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to introduce more strict rules on distancing – along with fines for those who breach them.

Although still relatively low, Telford & Wrekin has seen cases shoot up in the space of a week – from six to 26 in the seven days up to September 6.

In Shropshire the number of cases has gone up from 25 on the week ending August 30, to 37 in the week ending September 6. Powys has also seen 31 cases in the same seven-day period.

Telford & Wrekin council leader, Shaun Davies, said there was no pattern to the new cases in the borough, meaning it was all the more important that people follow guidelines.

His view was echoed by Liz Noakes, director of public health at the authority.

Councillor Davies said: "We have seen a significant increase in Covid cases across the country, the region, and also in Telford & Wrekin, and although relatively we have had low numbers, the pace of change this week is concerning and I can also say the Covid cases we can see are spread across the whole of Telford & Wrekin. They are spread across all the whole area and there is no obvious link between them."

He added: "Each confirmed case is someone who has been contagious for a period of time, even before they knew, which is why it is important we stick to the rules – wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, make sure as you go out and about enjoying freedoms such as pubs and parks that you wash your hands and keep your distance because Covid is among us all.

"We all know if the number of cases increase there will be restrictions on our lifestyle. Businesses will be closed and ultimately people who are very vulnerable will be put at risk, so it is in everyone's interest to stick to the rules and head off a second wave as we are going in to winter."

Giving an update to Telford & Wrekin Council's health and wellbeing board yesterday, Ms Noakes, said: "From August 31 to September 6 we had 26 cases confirmed within the borough.

"That compares with six the previous week so we've had a four-fold increase in the number of cases. The cases are across the borough with many wards affected and only a few of the cases can be linked to situations.

"I'm escalating the need to reiterate and communicate with residents to follow the rules.

"Many areas in the West Midlands are increasing significantly.


"Whilst we are lower than the West Midlands and the national average we have started from a lower base.

"We need to start to prepare ourselves for some of the situations we've seen perhaps elsewhere.

"Four weeks ago we had 27 cases, I did say many of those cases were linked to a few situations and so the situation is different this time because I'm not linking them all together."

Shropshire Council leader Peter Nutting said they were grateful that cases in the county remained low when compared to other parts of the country, and urged people to continue their vigilance to ensure it remains that way.

He said: "Cases in Shropshire are still incredibly low and we are doing our best to ensure that continues.

"I would just urge people to be careful, wash your hands, wear face masks where appropriate, and think about others."

He added: "I think the people of Shropshire have been extremely responsible in their response to the pandemic and long may it continue. That has helped keep the number of cases low.

"Our numbers are nine in 100,000, and that is on the bottom end and we would like it to stay that way. I do not want any further lockdown in Shropshire and want to get back to some sort of 'the new normal' as soon as possible."

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