Shropshire Star

Residents in areas of Telford with higher Covid case rates urged to get tested

Residents in areas of Telford where coronavirus case rates are higher compared to the rest of the borough are being urged to get tested.

Last updated

Liz Noakes, Telford's director of public health, says infection rates in the borough remains low – however, in Hadley, Leegomery, Oakengates and Ketley Bank, the case numbers are slightly higher.

One in three people have no symptoms and could be spreading the virus without knowing.

People with no symptoms can visit a council rapid testing site – book your appointment on

Tests are also available at pharmacies or can be collected from points across the borough.

No appointment is needed and everyone over 18 can collect.

When testing at home, register your results online or by calling 119.

If you have a positive result, you should self-isolate and book a confirmatory PCR test.

If you have any main coronavirus symptoms, people are urged to book a free PCR test.

Ms Noakes said: "Please do your bit to help stop the spread, reduce our case numbers further and avoid getting back to tougher restrictions."

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