Shropshire Star

All Year 8s at Shropshire secondary school sent home after Covid cases

A year group at a Shropshire secondary school have been sent home after reports of several positive coronavirus cases.

Last updated
Oldbury Wells School. Pic: Google Street View

All of Year 8 at Bridgnorth's Oldbury Wells School must remain at home to self-isolate for ten days and take part in online lessons. Those who are well can return to the site on June 25.

In a letter to parents, head Lee Tristham said: "Following confirmation of several positive Covid cases within the Year 8 bubble, I write to inform you that having followed the national guidance and, following a risk assessment with Public Health England advisers, have taken the decision to close the school for the whole bubble with immediate effect."

Pupils with siblings in another year group bubble can attend lessons at the site, in Oldbury Wells, as normal.

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