Shropshire Star

Telford MP questions Chris Whitty over roadmap out of pandemic

Telford's MP has asked England's chief medical officer Chris Whitty whether he is able to set out a roadmap out of the pandemic.

Lucy Allan

During a meeting of the Health and Social Care Committee on Thursday, Lucy Allan asked him whether potential new variants would lock the country into a cycle of lockdowns.

Professor Whitty was hopeful that a combination of increased immunity in the population and ground-breaking new treatments and antivirals would help to deal with any new variants far more effectively than before.

He said: "We've come from a place where we had absolutely nothing, so everything had to be done by social distancing and all the other things that went with that right at the beginning.

"Where we are at the moment is in a transition period.

"This is why the boosters are so absolutely essential.

"But we are not quite in the safer haven that I expect we will have in a couple of years' time."

He said he saw a future which was 'much less risky' than it is at the moment, adding: "It's less risky now than it was six months or a year ago."