Shropshire Star

Time of hope: Christmas messages from our county's bishops

Words of comfort as we endure another Covid Christmas.

From left; the Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mark Davies; the Anglican Bishop of Shrewsbury, Sarah Bullock and the Bishop of Lichfield, Dr Michael Ipgrave.

Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury, Mark Davies

“At a time when an increasing number of people declare themselves to be ‘non-religious,’ we witness something quite startling at this moment of the year. So many are touched by the central Christian claim in the mystery of a child born 2,000 years ago. Families and communities are not merely touched by this story, they are inspired to come together and show a renewed generosity especially to those in greatest need.

“To a Christian this is not surprising, for it echoes the striking words of the Apostle Paul, who declared the love of God is made visible in Christ. The wonder of Christmas is glimpsing God who is love, revealed in a deeply human way in a tiny child. God became truly human while remaining truly God. It is this which makes Christmas an enduring part of our lives and the life of our society year after year. The timeless message of a “child born for us” continues to speak, to open hearts and awaken self-giving charity. Though this may be a Christmas marked by restrictions, we can be sure the love of God can never be restricted nor cancelled. Though this may be Christmas marked by many uncertainties, like all generations before us, we can be sure that there is a love - Divine love made flesh and blood - on which can depend.

“The love echoed in the Gospel story retold; the Carols we sing; in the countless Nativity scenes portrayed, and even in the gifts given to each other. Yet, God’s love can be glimpsed all year round in so many churches and communities across our County. This is the love which becomes supremely visible in Christ’s Mass, which gives its name to these holidays. The same love reflected in action in all the generosity which embraces the needs and sorrows of others. Over this past year, I can certainly say active charity has not been restricted; rather it has grown in reaching out to those most isolated and vulnerable.

“Much of this goodness is only known by those who receive a phone call in time of isolation; or an act of disinterested friendship in time of need; or practical assistance in the middle of a crisis. In all these ways something more is being offered than the material value of a gift or assistance. These initiatives make visible to the suffering person what is most needed: loving personal concern. A charity which reflects the Divine love made visible in the birth of the Child of Bethlehem who taught us without even speaking, that humanity is saved by love, God’s love made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord. In this confidence, we wish each other a truly Happy Christmas.”

Anglican Bishop of Shrewsbury, Sarah Bullock

“The constantly changing landscape of our life as communities and as individuals has been a very real and present experience over the past nearly two years and can leave us feeling uncertain about the future. Reflecting on the challenge of what seems like constant change brought to my mind a prayer from the service of Night Prayer:

‘Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the silent hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world, may rest upon your eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord.’

“God invites us to put ourselves into his hands, to trust and to rest in him, our constant, loving and faithful God. In the Bible we hear these words from the Psalmist: ‘Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty, shall say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I put my trust.’ (Psalm 91: 1-2)

“God calls us to look past our fear and anxiety, whether it is about ourselves, our families, friends, community, work, church, world or countless other possibilities, and to step into this new year with hope.

“We can know that as we move forward, we are held close to the heart of God, enfolded in his love and that he will walk with us through the times ahead, for he is a faithful God.”

Bishop of Lichfield, Dr Michael Ipgrave

“Christmas cannot be cancelled.

“People worry that Christmas might be cancelled this year. Some even feel that it would be better if the whole of 2021 had been cancelled.

“It has been another unsettling year for the human race, and us as individuals. We have seen turmoil in many nations, disruption of everyday lives, crises, calamities, and dangers across the world and in our own communities.

“When our lives are shaken as they have been shaken and are being shaken, it makes us think about what really matters in life. What is our deepest desire? What is that we really long for in our lives?

“The shallow answers of more possessions, more comfort, more money, more fame or whatever, but these will no longer satisfy us, and we look for that which meets our deepest longings.

“Christians believe our longings are met in the God who knows us and loves us.

“Every Christmas we tell again the story of that God, who loves our world so much that he chooses to come among us not because he is obliged to, not because we have asked him to, but simply out of grace.

“We always begin with grace, and we always come back to grace, shown in the sign of Emmanuel, God with us in Jesus Christ, born as a baby among us.

“No law, no government, no power on earth can cancel the wonder of that birth. I hope you find time this Christmas to let that wonder fill your heart.”

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