Shropshire Star

Jeff Stelling heads to Shrewbury Town's Greenhous Meadow during March for Men challenge - with pictures

Sky Sports presenter Jeff Stelling battled through the wind and the rain to walk 26 miles through Shropshire as part of his fundraising campaign.

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Sky Sports presenter Jeff Stelling sets off on the next leg of his March for Men campaign

The Soccer Saturday presenter walked from Kidderminster Harriers’ Aggborough stadium to Shrewsbury Town’s Greenhous Meadow on Monday.

The walk was part of the star’s March for Men walk in aid of Prostate Cancer UK.

He is walking 15 marathons in 15 days – a total of 400 miles – to raise awareness and hit his target of £500,000.

Stelling arrived at Shrewsbury at about 7.30pm and immediately turned thoughts to the next leg of the journey, from Stoke to Crewe. He said: “I feel alright considering. This year I feel good. We had some bad weather last year but walking through Shropshire was the worst weather of this year’s walk. It made us smile when walking through we saw a sign for a duck race.”

The route took the group of about 30 through Bridgnorth and Much Wenlock.

Stelling added: “It is a beautiful walk but sometimes, when you’re wet and cold, you find yourself just looking at your feet. The best site of all was the finish line.

“Over all the 15 days we’ve got about 700 people joining us for the walk, raising money individually.

“We’re probably well over £200,000 so far, we’ve got bits and pieces coming in, but the target for me is raising awareness. On the first day last year, for example, a couple were waiting for us at the finish line and the woman said you’ve saved my husband’s life

“She had read the symptoms online after hearing about our campaign and said to her husband that he was showing all of them.

“It turned out he had an aggressive form but luckily it was caught early enough to be treated. That’s the sort of motivation to keep us going.

“The money is also a wonderful benefit as it goes towards finding a cure.

“I initially got involved to raise the profile of prostate cancer. “I thought I didn’t know anyone with it but when I started doing it I realised I knew a lot of people with it.”

“The highlight for me on the day was meeting a walker called Miguel who had flown in from Spain just to walk to Shrewsbury and was flying back the next day.

“He’s a Barcelona fan and a Shrewsbury Town fan, so I don’t know what he’d do if they ever played, he wouldn’t know who to support!

“I try and talk to everybody while I’m walking if I can. Some struggle more than others. But people are fantastic.”