Shropshire Star reader captures peaceful image of 'best meteor shower of the year'

A Shropshire Star reader has captured a beautiful image of what NASA has dubbed "one of the best meteor showers of the year".

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The peaceful image captured by amateur photographer Stuart Bolt.

Amateur photographer Stuart Bolt, from Telford, managed to take the photograph of the Perseid meteor shower early this morning, despite conditions being "challenging".

The Perseid meteor showers are active between July 17 and August 24, and were due to peak after sunset on Friday and Saturday, August 12 and 13.

Stuart captured his photograph at around 1:15am "looking at the Wrekin just down from New Works."

It was one of many of images he took on the night, most of which were unsuccessful. Shooting Stars appear and disappear very quickly after all.

Photography conditions were also said to be "challenging" thanks in part to the presence of a "bright, full moon."

Generally speaking, catching a meteor shower on camera isn't easy at all.

Not only does setting up the camera equipment properly require skill and experience, taking the photo itself also relies quite a bit of patience and good fortune.

Stuart explained: "It's purely just luck that you get one at the right time. It's the same as shooting lightning during storms."

John Cooling captured a shooting star from the start of the showers earlier this week.

Shropshire's hills are obviously a superb location for stargazers to observe the night sky.

The top of the Wrekin, Carding Mill Valley, Cross Dyke car park at Boiling Well, Pole Cottage and Shooting Box car park all have the darkest 'Milky Way Class' rating - meaning that the night skies are dark enough to see the milky way with the naked eye.

If the skies stay clear as forecast, those staying up late should still be able to see between 50 and 100 meteors an hour tonight.

If you fancy yourself an amateur astrophotographer, you can follow our guide on the best places to watch the perseids here.