Shropshire Star

Shropshire pair cycle entire length of Britain for charity

Two Shropshire cyclists have ridden the length of Britain to support a charity close to their hearts.

Dean Suter and Emma Wilde reach John O'Groats

Dean Suter is a volunteer befriender for Age Concern UK, Shropshire and Telford, while Emma Wilde works at its Shrewsbury office. They decided to complete the Land's End to John O'Groats challenge in aid of the charity.

The pair recently completed their cycle across Britain, raising an incredible £12,000 to support older people in across Shropshire.

They arrived in John O’Groats earlier this month after enduring wind and rain for the last leg of their 12-day, 800-mile journey.

Dean Suter and Emma Wilde with family and friends en-route

After an emotional last day they were greeted by a bagpiper organised by the chief executive of Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin, and celebrated on a high with a bottle of bubbly donated by family and friends who were there to celebrate their achievement.

Emma, who works as senior day services co-ordinator, said: “On behalf of Dean and I, thank you to all our supporters including friends, family and colleagues who helped us through with their words of encouragement and firm belief that we would complete this challenge

"Thanks to our team of van drivers who kept us fed, watered and motivated; and of course, everyone who donated. Everyone has been incredibly generous and helped exceed our fundraising target. It truly was a team effort and we couldn’t have done it without them all.”

Dean Suter and Emma Wilde, met by a bagpiper at John O'Groats

"On the last day as we were riding through the wind, rain and fog and I was experiencing immense fatigue, I had to remind myself that cycling this challenge was a choice we made and that the aches, pains and tiredness were all good discomforts helping us get to our final destination, John O'Groats.

"It gave me time to reflect on the many older people Dean and I support, including those with dementia and their carers who endure isolation, poverty and hardship, whose choices are often limited or non-existent. These people inspired us and kept us pedalling all the way to the finish line."

Heather Osborne, chief executive of Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin said: “What Emma and Dean have done for older people and those living with dementia and their carers is just phenomenal. They have put themselves through this extreme challenge and we are so proud of them both for their amazing achievement.

"Every penny raised will be used to help older people in Shropshire and Telford and we are so grateful to them. I take my hat off to them, they are amazing.”

Emma and Dean’s Just Giving pages are still open for donations and as an independent charity all funds raised will go directly to support older people in Telford and Shropshire.

If you would like to donate to Dean and Emma please visit or