Shropshire Star

£20k appeal to fight Bridgnorth chicken farm plans

Protestors have stepped up their campaign to fight plans for a chicken farm near Bridgnorth.

Protestors have stepped up their campaign to fight plans for a chicken farm near Bridgnorth.

The Tasley Chicken Factory Farm Action Group raised several thousand pounds to kick-start proceedings for a judicial review and now needs to raise a further £20,000 to present its case in court.

The group has raised a judicial review against Shropshire Council after planning approval was granted for a 210,000-bird unit in Tasley, near Bridgnorth.

Campaigners say the review cites “inadequacies” in the manure management report and the council’s “failure to take account of the impact of spreading manure from the chicken farm on the residents of Bridgnorth”.

The group launched an online appeal to help fund the process and the funds raised so far has allowed the first stage – of submitting a pre-action protocol letter to Shropshire Council – to go ahead.

A new message posted on the group's online crowdfunding page says £20,000 is now needed to take the campaign further.

It says: "Shropshire Council has decided to fight the judicial review to the bitter end, and together we need to raise a further £20,000 to present our case at court.

"A handful of residents were so concerned, they each gave several thousand pounds to kick start a judicial review as this is the only way to reverse the planning decision.

"Their actions and donations, together with £3,200+ already donated by you online, and a further £350 donated by Tasley Village Social Committee through fundraising events, has generously enabled us to get this far.

"We are now appealing to each and every one of you to help raise the £20,000 needed to finish the fight; if every person reading this gave at least £5, we would be able to pay for the judicial review."

The group has raised about £3,340 online so far towards taking legal action.

The planning application initially received more than 300 objections in total before it was approved by Shropshire Council’s planning committee in August.

The plans for Footbridge Farm involve four poultry buildings, gatehouse and water tank.

Protesters have expressed concerns over smell, dust and potential health implications it could cause.

Previously, applicants’ agent Ian Pick said that the plans met relevant criteria.

To support the campaign group’s appeal go to