Vintage trip for old tractors in Bridgnorth fundraiser - with video and pictures

Hardy farmers and vintage vehicle enthusiasts took to the roads for the annual Shropshire Vintage Tractor Run.

The tractor run in Bridgnorth town centre

Farm vehicles many of them well over half a century old were driven through the streets of Bridgnorth in the fundraiser for the Midlands Air Ambulance.

It was the 20th anniversary of the event organised by Bridgnorth Vintage Machinery Club.

Organisers had been expecting between 100-150 vintage tractors to take part but the bad weather meant only about 60 arrived for the event.

After a drive through the countryside the tractors lined up in Bridgnorth High Street over lunchtime before the second half of the run.

Mr David Spruce, one of the organisers, thanks those who had turned out in the wintry weather. The old tractors had none of the benefits of modern day vehicles like cabs and heating.

"We had hoped up to 150 tractors would be involved but, because of the weather only about 60 were able to get to Bridgnorth and take part. It is such a shame, but we could do nothing about the weather. One of those taken part came all the way from Stoke-on-Trent," he said.

"It was disappointing for the owners to arrive in the town centre to find that the Continental market had packed up early because of the weather and left."

He said a few hardy souls were on the streets of the town to see the spectacle of such a display of tractors.

"They mainly dated from the 1940s to the 1970s."

"We haven't got a total yet but we hope to have raised more than £500 for the Midlands Air Ambulance."