Bridgnorth Running Club donates to Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion has received a donation of £500 from Bridgnorth Running Club.

The money was raised at the club's annual 10K road race, which took place in October last year.
Representatives of the club handed over the money to the Bridgnorth branch of the Royal British Legion earlier this month.
The cheque was presented by the running club secretary, Scott Mathers to the chairman, John Whitty.
The donation means the branch raised more than £32,000 for the latest poppy appeal.
Mr Whitty said: "On behalf of the Royal British Legion I would like to thank Scott Mathers on presenting the cheque to our branch, the members of the running club and participants from the event in raising the funds for such a worthwhile cause. This generous donation will assist the Bridgnorth branch in planning and organising the 2019 Remembrance service.
"The Bridgnorth branch of the Royal British Legion under the guidance of our poppy appeal organiser, Josh Warwick and dedicated team of volunteers collected in excess of £32,700 selling poppies this year.
"The annual poppy appeal starts two weeks before remembrance day each year. During that fortnight volunteers are required to sell poppies raising the necessary funding to assist injured service personnel and their families.
"The Bridgnorth branch requires volunteers to sell poppies in 2019 during that two week period, mainly from the foyers of the towns supermarkets and high street. The cadet organisations kindly assist in selling during the weekends. If you could assist in any way for this worthwhile cause please contact the Bridgnorth branch of the Royal British Legion."
Mr Whitty praised the efforts of those who had helped raise so much.
He said: "Our team of volunteers, legion personnel, and cadet organisations exceed the amount collected annually from the previous year. This is not only a remarkable feat of dedication from the collectors; but also the thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity from the town folk who contribute and support the annual poppy appeal, only achievable by the organisation and dedication from the volunteers that collect the contributions and sell poppies each year. The children and ladies that made stitched poppies in 2018 raised in excess of £500 selling their crafts. Tanners wines of Bridgnorth kindly donate every year to our branch which is extremely kind and greatly appreciated.
"Thank you to all that assisted in the 2018 Bridgnorth Poppy appeal and your thoughtful generous contributions. The Bridgnorth branch of the Royal British Legion looks forward to your support and assistance in the 2019 poppy appeal."