Shropshire Star

Shropshire church warden steps down after 25 years

For a quarter of a century he has been a familiar face at a popular church near Bridgnorth.

Michael York

Now Michael York, 80, has stepped down from his role as church warden at St Mary’s Church in Alveley, hoping to make space for someone younger to take up the mantle.

Michael says he couldn’t have lasted so long without the support of his wife Brenda, who runs the church choir.

“Once you’re in it, you can’t stop,” he said. “You’re in the swim.

“I’ve had a wonderful life and I’ve got a wonderful wife as well to back me up. Without Brenda I wouldn’t have gone on as long as I have.”

As a regular member of the church, it didn’t take much for Michael to be recommended as church warden.

“We went regularly and someone suggested I become churchwarden,” he said. “It’s just gone on from there.


“I’ve often thought for a good many years, why go on and on? For me, 25 years is more than enough. If you carry on at my age, where are the youngsters coming from? We need young people in the church – that’s one of the most important things of all.”

Updating church services and encouraging more people to attend is helping to keep fresh blood coming into the church, Michael said.

“Things have changed a lot over the last 25 years,” he said. “Services have changed. We have a lot more modern music now, which is wonderful.”

Michael was given a piece of art to mark his retirement from the role. It was painted by Wendy Rylance.

“The piece of art was a surprise,” Michael said. When people finish in the church they give them something. You get certain things, but I didn’t expect something like that.

“Wendy is a wonderful person for doing that kind of work.”