Shropshire Star

Crafts group creates educational patchwork for historic Bridgnorth church

An educational patchwork created by the ladies of Bridgnorth can now be seen hanging in one of the town's historic churches.

Carolyn Budley, Elizabeth Wade, Jo Darkin, Rev Clive Munday, Pam Bradley and Anne Harthill

The project, which was originally thought of about two years ago, saw members of the Bridgnorth Women's Institute Craft Group embroider the wall hanging for St Mary Magdalene Church.

Showing different aspects of the church's history, the patchwork will be used to help teach visiting children.

Members of the group met with Rev Clive Munday to present the creation in its new permanent home.

Anne Harthill is one of the members who put the patchwork together.

She said: "The vicar's wife, Sarah, came up with the idea that we could do some kind of board so that when children visit the church, they could use it to go and find places to do with the history of the church – so it's a teaching method really.

"Everybody chose what part they wanted to create and did it in whatever method they felt best.

"About 10 of us worked on it in total and we've just done it in bits and then I put it all together."

The crafts group, which was part of the Women's Institute at the time of creating the patchwork, said it has had to cancel future meets due to the coronavirus.

But members are still keeping busy, knitting for an orphanage in Romania and items of clothing for premature babies.

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