Shropshire Star

Consultation on plans to move Bridgnorth Livestock Market and build 550 homes

A public consultation is being held on plans to relocate Bridgnorth Livestock Market and develop 550 homes nearby.

An artist's impression of how the Tasley Gateway development could look

The event on the Tasley Gateway development will be held at the livestock market, on Welock Road, from 2pm to 8pm on Thursday July 22, ahead of an outline planning application being submitted to Shropshire Council towards the end of the summer.

The site, located on land north and south of the A458, was allocated for development as part of the council’s SAMDev plan, adopted in 2015 for the period 2006 to 2026.

It is in addition to the land next door which Shropshire Council controversially recommends as a site for a 1,050-home 'garden village' under its Local Plan.

If approved, the livestock market will be relocated to land south of the A458.

The Bridgnorth-based developers behind the gateway project, Tasley Estates, met Tasley Parish Council and Bridgnorth Town Council in June, and is now looking for residents to input ideas as part of the consultation process.

The proposals for Tasley Gateway, which will be phased over several years, include 550 homes of mixed size, a neighbourhood centre, food store and petrol station with electric vehicle charging. The development also hopes to attract a national hotel and family pub chain, which Tasley Estates said will reduce congestion in Bridgnorth town centre.

The developer has also promised to work with Shropshire Council and address concerns over traffic, GP surgeries and schools, and provide large areas of public open space, play areas, wildlife opportunities and sustainable drainage systems.

Jonathan Hickman of Tasley Estates said: “We have a long-term commitment to Bridgnorth and a desire to help make the town a more prosperous and lively place, where local people can afford to live, work and raise families in a safe and diverse environment. With Tasley Gateway we want to create a real sense of community.

“As a farmer myself, I also strongly believe in the future of the livestock market and in promoting a sustainable and greener future for the town and its surroundings."

Tasley Estates added that trees with preservation orders will be protected and, wherever possible, existing trees and hedgerows will be retained to provide a natural landscape.

The consultation event on July 22 will give residents the chance to meet the architects and project team.

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