Shropshire Star

Vaccination teams in south east Shropshire are thanked for their effort at Bridgnorth event

Doctors' surgery staff and volunteers were thanked for their efforts in giving Covid jabs to more than 52,000 Shropshire people.

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Pictures from the thank you event for vaccination teams in Bridgnorth

Staff and 40 volunteers from the nine GP surgeries across the south east Shropshire primary care network (PCN) gave up their own time to take part in the coronavirus vaccination programme.

As well as administering jabs, the team members took up tasks including hitting the telephones to let people know that it was their turn to turn up for the needle.

Last Friday, August 27, some 25 of the team gathered for the pre-bank holiday thank you event at Bridgnorth Medical Practice. Ludlow MP Philip Dunne also attended to show his appreciation.

Most of the 240 or so staff from the GP practices had stepped forward to give up their own time to take part in the historic national inoculation programme.

Dr James Swallow, clinical director of the SE Shropshire PCN, said: "I made a short speech to thank all the practice teams for all their hard work. They were a vital part of the jigsaw."

Pictures from the thank you event for vaccination teams in Bridgnorth
Pictures from the thank you event for vaccination teams in Bridgnorth
Pictures from the thank you event for vaccination teams in Bridgnorth
Pictures from the thank you event for vaccination teams in Bridgnorth

The Bridgnorth Medical Practice at the Northgate Health Centre, in Northgate, is the nerve centre for the PCN but vaccinations were put into more than 52,000 arms during the first and second jab programme.

Dr Swallow said some of the area's age groups had hit a remarkable 100 per cent for having both first and second jabs. The average figure for all of the target in the PCN's area is in excess of 90 per cent, as the campaign found a willing local population.

A number of the over-18 age category are still to be double jabbed and Dr Swallow said there is still time for any stragglers who missed out to get their vaccines.

Dr Swallow said there would be no time for the teams to catch their breath at the practices in Albrighton, Alveley Bridgnorth, Brown Clee, Cleobury Mortimer, Highley, Much Wenlock & Cressage, Broseley and Ironbridge.

That's because the flu jabbing programme starts this month and plans are being made for a Covid booster jab.

"The work carries on in phase three," said Dr Swallow adding that the full details of any joint jabbing are yet to be finalised with surgeries.

Dr Swallow said patients would be contacted when it is time for their vaccines, which may or may not be given at the same time.