Shropshire Star

Election battles for two town council seats in Bridgnorth

By-elections will take place this week to fill two vacant seats on Bridgnorth Town Council.


The two vacancies were caused by the resignations of sitting members, Councillor Gerry Colley in Castle ward on October 11; and Councillor Charlotte Round, who stepped down from her seat on Morfe ward on November 4.

In Morfe ward, two candidates are standing for the one seat: former town councillor Brian Stuart Jones, of Pineway, and independent Edward Marshall, of Danesbridge.

In Castle ward, three candidates will be battling for the one seat up for grabs. They are:

Independent and semi-retired businessman Ross Edward Ireland, of Waterloo Terrace, Bridgnorth; Brian Stewart James, whose address is given as "in Shropshire";Rollon Jean-Marc Leraistre, of Ludlow Road, Bridgnorth.

The polls open this Thursday, January 6, between 7am and 10pm.