Shropshire Star

Advice sessions for charities

Charities across Shropshire are invited to a series of events designed to answer vital questions they may be facing.

Jenny Osborne of Henshalls Insurance will be one of the speakers

The online meetings will tackle subjects including how to recruit young people, advice about insurance, and keeping finances in order.

The free-of-charge events have been organised by Shropshire-based Community Resource as part of a scheme to support charity trustees.

In the first of the three sessions, Jenny Osborne of county-based Henshalls Insurance, will highlight some of the pitfalls to be avoided when arranging cover.

The event will be held on Zoom on January 27, starting 10.30am. Free tickets can be booked on

In the second session, at the same time on February 17, will see Clair Moelwyn-Williams from TCA Accountants talk about keeping good financial records and controls against potential fraud. Trustees will also be invited to have an independent examination.

Free tickets can been booked at

The third session, at 10.30am on March 10, will focus on recruiting young people to your committee or board of trustees.

Guest speaker will be Selina Graham, chairman of trustees at the Much Wenlock based Cavalier Centre, a charity that provides horse-riding for the disabled.

Free tickets available at

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