Defibrillator unveiled at Shropshire beauty spot
A defibrillator has been installed at a Shropshire beauty spot.
The life-saving equipment is now available at Severn Valley Country Park, near Alveley.
The defibrillator, gifted by Severn Valley Country Park Supporters, is housed within a bright yellow cabinet, on the outside of the Shropshire Council-run park’s visitor centre.
The supporters were able to fund the defibrillator through fundraising, grants and donations.
It can be used in an emergency to help save the life of someone in cardiac arrest by following the simple instructions the machine issues.
Shropshire Council staff will also be trained how to use it.
Cecilia Motley, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for communities, culture, leisure and tourism, and transport said: “The country park welcomes a large number of visitors all year round and we’re immensely grateful to the volunteers for raising the funds for the defibrillator. This will be an an asset to Severn Valley Country Park, its visitors and the wider community.”
Dave Hack, chair of the supporters’ group, added: “We were fortunate to have had a very successful Christmas fair and with the funds from that, as well as with grants and donations from other groups in our community, we were delighted to install the defibrillator at the visitor centre.
“There are a lot of hills around the area and a good number of visitors, so it reassuring to know that this piece of potentially lifesaving equipment is available to anyone who needs it in an emergency situation.”
The supporters’ group is a dedicated team of volunteers who work hard to care for the park. This includes carrying out practical conservation works, and also raising funds by selling items such as bird boxes, trugs, wooden reindeer and cakes at local craft fairs.
The next fundraising event will be an Easter fair at the park.