Shropshire Star

Friends and family join Claverley stalwart to celebrate 100th birthday

As a girl she met a prime minister and with her parents mixed in high society but former Claverley resident and centenarian Joyce Henshaw loved nothing better than the buzz of village life in the Midlands. Joyce marked her 100th birthday on Friday and celebrated with the traditional telegram from the Queen and a party for more than 80 guests, including friends and family.

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Joyce Henshaw celebrates her 100th birthday with daughters Gill Evans and Christine Digwood

She was born in Hampshire on March 25 1922 where her parents were house keepers to large landowners in the county including sculptor Sir Bertram MacKennal who was famous for designing coinage and stamps bearing the likeness of King George V.

They also played host to prominent politicians of the time and Joyce always recounts the time she was asked to walk prime minister Ramsay MacDonald's dog.

Friends and family travelled long distances to celebrate with Joyce

The family moved to the Midlands to serve Lord Bradford at Weston Park when Joyce was 16 and she met and married husband Reg at the age of 19, with the couple moving to White Cottage at Claverley where they became fully involved in village life.

Joyce was for many years involved in the dramatic society and was on the committee for Claverley Flower Show as well as that of the village hall.

Joyce with her late husband Reg

The couple were married for 65 years ago until Reg died 16 years ago and she now lives with with daughter Gill in Pattingham.

She has two daughters, five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, many of whom helped her mark the special milestone

As well as family, many people travelled over from Claverley to mark Joyce's special occasion and she was presented with flowers in recognition of her many years of committee work for the village hall.

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