Shropshire Star

Parish targeted for 1,000 new homes wants more of a say over development

A Shropshire parish targeted for major house-building in the coming years wants locals to have more say over how the area is developed through the creation of a neighbourhood plan.

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Shropshire Council's cabinet is expected to approve the request

Tasley Parish Council has asked Shropshire Council to grant approval for the geographic area to be covered within the scope of the plan, to allow work on the document to formally begin.

It comes as Shropshire Council’s new draft local plan – including the proposed Tasley Garden Village of more than 1,000 homes – is currently being examined by Government-appointed planning inspectors, and is expected to be adopted later this year or in early 2023.

A report to the council’s cabinet says the parish is considered to be a suitable area for a neighbourhood plan, and recommends approval is granted.

The report by Mark Barrow, director of place, says: “The recommendation focusses solely on the extent of the area to be used in the preparation of the proposed neighbourhood plan.

“This recommendation does not deal with the proposed content of the neighbourhood plan, which are issues to be considered by Tasley Parish Council in cooperation with Shropshire Council in due course.”

A seven-week consultation on the proposed area ended on January 28, and Mr Barrow’s report says five responses were received. None of these were objections.

If cabinet agrees to designate the neighbourhood area, the parish council will be able – but not obligated – to prepare a neighbourhood plan containing policies for how developments within the area should be carried out.

The draft document will then be subject to public consultation, examination and a local referendum. If a majority of voters support it, Shropshire Council will be asked to adopt the final version to become part of the statutory development plan for the area.

It cannot however conflict with Shropshire Council’s own local plan.

Mr Barrow’s report says: “It is important to acknowledge that the draft local plan proposes significant new development through the delivery of the Tasley Garden Village proposal of around 1,050 dwellings, 16 hectares of employment land, a new local centre and associated green infrastructure.

“Whilst this proposal is proposed to support the sustainable growth of Bridgnorth, it is recognised this growth is principally within the parish of Tasley, and therefore within a location which would fall under this neighbourhood area if approved.

“By ensuring any neighbourhood plan conforms to the Shropshire local plan, and subject to the outcome of the current local plan examination process, any neighbourhood plan for Tasley would need to recognise the Tasley Garden Village proposal within its own objectives and policies, as well as the other strategic policies of the local plan review.”

The report will be considered by cabinet at a meeting next Wednesday.