Shropshire Star

Traffic measures set for Bridgnorth road compared to Silverstone

Traffic calming measures are to be considered on a road in Bridgnorth likened by residents to Silverstone race track.

Last updated
A recent accident on Stourbridge Road led to a car rolling onto its roof

If follows a "productive" meeting held by a ward councillor with police and council representatives as well as one of the householders on Stourbridge Road.

The meeting was held after a number of incidents, near misses and a crash last month which saw a vehicle end up on its roof. Other problems seen in the area include the junction of the Kidderminster Road and the A442.

Stourbridge Road resident Ian Fenn had called for action after the crash, which happened near his home, and another one which saw a neighbour struck by a car.

Bridgnorth East and Astley Abbots ward councillor Christian Lea met with the residents, council and police representatives to discuss what could be done.

He said: "It was a meeting that was much needed after a number of problems in the Stourbridge Road and Kidderminster Road area near the A442, particularly as well near The Dairy development.

"Traffic speeds in what is a 30mph zone by The Dairy will be monitored by the highways officers and that information fed back to the police to see what they can do.

"The council are going to continue to monitor those speeds and are considering installing plastic strips across the road to slow traffic down.

"In addition the markings on the road saying 'Slow' will be re-painted as they have faded somewhat and it is important they are clearly visible to motorists in the area.

"It was a very productive meeting bringing together law enforcement, highways officers, residents and councillors to discuss the issue and come up with clear solutions."

He added they had been told there were a number of traffic projects in south Shropshire that needed to be addressed so a timeline on the work couldn't be put on.