Shropshire Star

Bridgnorth campaigners join national refilling initiative

A Bridgnorth-based organisation which has already pioneered a refill scheme in the town is getting involved in a day promoting the initiative nationally.

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Sustainable Bridgnorth has implemented a refill scheme, with more than 35 stations around the town promoting reusable and refillable drinks containers like coffee cups and water bottles. The group is part of a global coalition of organisations joining in World Refill Day on Thursday to help people live with less waste and prevent plastic pollution.

The day is being promoted by national organisation City to Sea's refill campaign and app, with a new survey based around it showing 95 per-cent of people asked saying they were concerned about plastic pollution, 90 per cent taking steps to reduce their single use plastic and 41 per-cent saying they would like to do more.

Ninety-three per cent of people surveyed said they would like to see more refill and reuse options available, with 74 per cent saying refilling makes them feel more positive or like they’re making a difference.

Shops in Bridgnorth which already take part in the scheme include Room for Refills and Giovanni's, both in Cartway, and Our Green Shop, in Mill Street.

Natalie Fée, the CEO and founder of City to Sea, said “It’s wonderful to see organisations like Sustainable Bridgnorth joining forces with global partners to demand change.

"We know times are tough at the moment for people in Bridgnorth and district, but as a community that cares about tackling pollution, we can carry on offering money saving refills, like free water refills, and money off take-away coffees.

"We’re here working with local businesses to make sure that it is affordable and accessible. This has to be what’s right for the planet but it also has to be right for our squeezed household budgets.”

Kath Norgrove, the chair of Sustainable Bridgnorth (Refill Bridgnorth Scheme) said: "The UK’s climate heroes are regular people who are helping tackle climate change and environmental problems by making greener choices every day and small changes do add up.

"Bridgnorth is on the banks of the River Severn which leads to the sea and a recent report by the UK-based Eunomia Research & Consulting, shows more than 80 per cent of plastic litter in the oceans, such as drink bottles and plastic packaging, comes from land-based sources, carried by rivers.

"World Refill Day is a chance to make a change and try a refill or reuse option."