Shropshire Star

Priorities for police in Bridgnorth suggested by town council

Tackling drugs dealing on the streets, speeding and anti-social behaviour should be priorities for the police in Bridgnorth, town councillors have said.


The town council welcomed community support officers to its meeting on Tuesday and heard some of the initiatives taking place.

Shropshire councillor, Kirsty Hurst-Knight, praised officers for their work in clamping down on speeding through the town.

"They are really tackling the problem and the 1,2,3 action of education, warning, then vehicle seizure seems to be working," she said.

Town councillors agree that their priorities for the police in the town were tackling the problems of drugs being dealt, particularly in residential areas, the speeding vehicles and anti-social behaviour in the town centre in the evenings.

Councillor Alec Chetta said that the drug dealing in residential streets was making people feel uncomfortable and unsafe in their own homes.

Councillor Julia Buckley said that residents were worried not only about the anti-social behaviour that drug dealing brought but also that the young people of the town would be sucked into using drugs.

She said there were also concerns from older residents in the days leading up to Halloween.

The community support officers said they had been into schools talking about Halloween and trick or treating with pupils.

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