Shropshire Star

Social worker pens short story collection

A Bridgnorth author and social worker has a written a short story collection that explores just how far people are willing to go in order to survive.

Author Stephen Brotherton

Stephen Anthony Brotherton, who has worked as a social worker for nearly thirty years and currently works for the NHS, says he penned his anthology, Watching the Wheels, due to an interest in psychology.

Mr Brotherton, who is a member of the Bridgnorth Writers’ Group and the Shrewsbury Writers’ Lab, said: “As a social worker, I’m interested in the psychology of survival and the things people do in order to survive.

"This collection focuses on themes of vulnerability, isolation and living on the outside of the wider world to tell tales of people who are exposed, looking for answers, and the lengths they are prepared to go.”

The book features a range of psychological short stories including a tale of a killer created from abuse, a teenager who searches for answers from his older brother who committed suicide, a woman trapped in a persistent vegetative state, and a ghost hunter afraid of ghosts.

His first book, Fractures, Dreams and Second Chances, was released by the Book Guild in 2021.

Watching the Wheels is released on February 28 by the Book Guild and is priced £8.99.

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