Shropshire Star

'No easy fix' for Bridgnorth Cliff Railway says town's mayor

The Mayor of Bridgnorth has warned "there isn't an easy fix" to get the town's cliff railway back on track.

Karen Sawbridge, Mayor of Bridgnorth

Councillor Karen Sawbridge says the town council is "working very hard" on seeking a solution for the damaged retaining wall that saw the popular attraction closed in December.

The cliff railway was closed due to health and safety fears due to the damage to the wall.

Bridgnorth Town Council is currently assessing its "substantive position" as to the liability the council has in repairing the wall. An update was given to councillors at a meeting of the town council on Tuesday night, although press and public were excluded.

Mayor Sawbridge said: "Please rest assured that Bridgnorth Town Council is working very hard to seek and action a suitable remedy, but the problem is extremely complex, both in legal terms and in ensuring any remedial works are completed with the health and safety of the contractors and those around the Cliff Railway, so there isn’t 'an easy fix'."