Shropshire Star

Bridgnorth road to be closed at night for week-long resurfacing work

A main road in Bridgnorth is to be closed at night for a week while resurfacing work takes place.

Last updated
Bridge Street in Bridgnorth is to be closed at night for resurfacing work

Bridge Street will be resurfaced from Monday, March 27 to Sunday April 2 as part of Shropshire Council’s resurfacing programme.

Work will be carried out overnight between 8pm and 6am under a road closure.

During the work, access to businesses and properties within the closure will be maintained and staff on site will be able to assist with access. A diversion will be in place for all other traffic.

The council has said every effort will be made to reduce noise and disruption for those nearby and residents are asked to ensure that vehicles are not parked on the road during the day whilst the work is in progress.

The work is being carried out by Shropshire Council and its partners in the Shropshire Highways alliance, Kier and WSP. It will improve the road’s’ surface and make it safer for all road users.

During the work access to the works area will be restricted to essential highway personnel, local residents who live within the road closure, businesses located within the closure, pedestrians, dismounted cyclists, equestrians and emergency service vehicles.