Shropshire Star

Firefighters battle throughout the night to tackle large blaze involving 400 tonnes of straw and manure

A large fire involving 400 tonnes of straw and manure caused much of Bridgnorth to be covered in smoke on Thursday night.

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Photo: Bridgnorth Fire Station

Firefighters spent around four hours tackling a blaze in Tasley near Bridgnorth on Thursday night, as 400 tonnes of animal bedding and manure went up in flames.

Shropshire Fire & Rescue were altered to reports of smoke in the area at around 11pm.

An extensive foot search found the large fire in a field off the A458 at Tasley, and multiple crews were mobilised to the scene to assist.

Photo: Bridgnorth Fire Station

A spokesperson from Bridgnorth fire station said: "The fire contained approximately 400 tonnes of animal bedding and manure.

"The smoke from this fire was very thick and was covering the majority of the surrounding area, including most of High Town, as far down as the river. This caused multiple calls to be made to Fire Control.

"Once discovered crews requested additional support, with our water carrier and a second appliance from Much Wenlock Fire Station attending.

"Working with the farmer, crews were able to pull apart the straw piles, and apply copious amounts of water."

Photo: Bridgnorth Fire Station

Dramatic photos shared by the fire service show the crews battling through thick smoke in the darkness.

Firefighters worked until around 2.30am to tackle the blaze, using jets, rakes and shovels.