Shropshire Star

Shropshire river campaigners welcome legal challenge to water companies

Clean water campaigners say are over the moon at news that six English water companies face legal action over allegations of underreporting pollution incidents and overcharging customers.

Campaigner Claire Kirby from Shrewsbury

Severn Trent is among the six being taken to court by environmentalists who said the water companies have broken competition laws by misleading the Environment Agency and the regulator Ofwat. The company says it strongly refutes the claims.

Shrewsbury-based Up Sewage Creek says it hopes the legal process can now find a way to stop the pollution of the River Severn and other water courses.

Founder member of Up Sewage Creek and local resident, Claire Kirby, praised the legal action, led by Professor Carolyn Roberts, an environmental and water consultant who is represented by Leigh Day Solicitors.

"Despite the campaigner and protesting there doesn't seem to have been be any power in the land to stop this happening," she said.

"We have had to walk through sewage for years and years. We have been doing what we can but nothing has changed. Hopefully the legal process will lead to change."