Shropshire Star

Woman taken to Shrewsbury hospital after car crashes into house

A woman has been taken to hospital after the car she was driving reportedly hit a house wall.

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The woman was taken to Royal Shrewsbury Hospital for treatment.

The crash happened in Shirtlett near Broseley at around 12.25pm.

The fire service and ambulance crews were called to the scene.

A total of four fire crews attended, reporting that the vehicle had crashed into a building, and that hydraulic cutting equipment was used to free the casualty.

A spokesman for West Midlands Ambulance Service said the driver's injuries were not believed to be serious.

He said: "We were called to reports of an RTC on the B4376 in Shirlett near Broseley at 12.25pm.

"An ambulance was sent to the scene where, on arrival, crews discovered a car had come off the road and crashed into a wall.

"The driver, a woman, was treated by ambulance staff for injuries not believed to be serious and conveyed to Royal Shrewsbury Hospital for further treatment."

A statement from West Mercia Police said: "Our officers attended an incident on the Marsh Gates junction, Broseley at around 12.35 this afternoon. On arrival they found that one vehicle had driven into a house wall.

"The female driver sustained injuries and was seen by paramedics. Structural damage to the house is currently unknown."