Shropshire Star

Annual drive to ensure nobody is alone at Christmas marks ten years

A Bridgnorth initiative that ensures nobody is alone on Christmas Day is going ahead this year, a decade after it began.

Last year's Together At Christmas event

The annual Together At Christmas drive ensures everybody in the Bridgnorth community can sit down to a Christmas meal on December 25.

The event is aimed to provide companionship for those in Bridgnorth who, for whatever reason, find themselves alone over the festive period.

This year's Together At Christmas meal takes place at Bridgnorth Endowed School.

Organiser Mark Triggs, said: “Thanks to the generosity of Bridgnorth Endowed School providing the venue coupled with the overwhelming support from local businesses, organisations and individuals we are delighted to host this event again.”

Mark recently took over the mantle of overseeing the event from Derek Bartlett whose original idea it was to stage such an event for the Bridgnorth community 10 years ago.

“It’s a real privilege to take on the role after Derek and it wouldn’t be possible without help from the dedicated team and the incredible goodwill of the Bridgnorth community and an army of local volunteers," added Mark. "It’s going to be a fantastic day with great food, entertainment and a warm, welcoming atmosphere.”

As well as providing a full Christmas dinner, Together At Christmas also gifts a wrapped box of biscuits to all the guests, which have been donated by local people.

Residents are being asked to donate and unwrapped boxes can be left in Sainsbury’s Food Bank trolley, at any of the local churches, at the Town Council offices in St Leonard’s Close, 57 Victoria Rd, Apley on The High Street Coffeeshop or at the food bank box in the Co-op.

Local residents are encouraged to get in touch to book a place at the table, either for themselves or for someone they know who may find themselves alone, isolated or in straitened circumstances this year at Christmas.

To book a place please ring 01746 768129