Shropshire Star

Find out exactly where cases of deadly disease that has killed ten dogs this year have been found in Shropshire

Find out where cases of deadly dog disease have been found in Shropshire in interactive map

Last updated
Owners of dogs with unusual wounds are being urged to contact their vet

A veterinary clinic has launched a live map of cases following a surge of a deadly disease that affects dogs.

There have been 318 cases of the fatal Alabama Rot in the UK say Anderson Moores Vets, who have been studying the relatively new disease for the last decade.

Two dogs have caught the illness in Shropshire, and another case was found in Kidderminster, the Winchester based vets has said.

As its name suggest, Alabama Rot was first discovered in the southern US state in the late 1980s.

The disease can cause kidney failure in dogs and so far ten have died from Alabama Rot this year alone.

Severn Edge Vets in Shropshire confirmed in January there had been two confirmed cases of pets catching the fatal disease in the county.

In a statement on their website they said: "Unfortunately we have seen a confirmed case of Alabama Rot, also known as CRGV, this time in the Cleobury Mortimer area.

"An additional case is suspected but not yet confirmed. Our last confirmed case before this was in April 2023 in the Bridgnorth area."

They added that while "there is no need for panic" they advised dog owners to be vigilant and to contact their vet if their dog develops "unexplained skin lesions, particularly on the legs or paws".

They said symptoms to look out for include: skin sores not caused by a known injury, particularly on the legs or paws, swollen skin, redness.

Signs that may be seen if kidney problems develop include vomiting and changes in behaviour such as fatigue or lack of appetite

Now Anderson Moores Vets has launched a national interactive map so dog owners can see exactly where cases have been found in their area.

To view the map, visit: