Shropshire Star

Driver slams council after potholed road takes out three tyres in as many days

A Shropshire motorist has slammed the county council for failing in its "statutory duty" to inspect the roads after he punctured three tyres in three days on the same stretch of tarmac.

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The pot hole that caused a double blow out

Dr Kenneth Addison lives in Broseley and travels on the B4373 to Bridgnorth every day, but between last Friday and Sunday he lost three tyres to potholes on the stretch of road.

He said the first two tyres on his Mercedes D Class blew on Friday afternoon.

The second pot hole that punctured Dr Addison's new tyre

"I had a double blow-out on the nearside caused by one pothole on Friday afternoon," he said. "It cost me £300 to get replacements, but one of the tyres then had to be replaced on Monday."

He said the pothole measured 50cm wide and 10cm deep.