Shropshire Star

Industrial estate plans for new buildings to host five businesses

Plans have been revealed for the expansion of an industrial estate to provide space for five businesses.

Last updated
Plans have been revealed for Stanmore Business Park in Bridgnorth. Picture: Google Maps

Proposals have been submitted to Shropshire Council for three new ‘portal framed’ buildings, comprising of five business units, at Stanmore Business Park in Bridgnorth.

Applicant Stanmore Properties Ltd states that the plans will see the redevelopment of around 0.52 hectares of land, comprised of open land and a storage building with canopy for external storage and yard.

“The layout of the development has been designed to allow for both the best use of the available area while maintaining easy and functional access to all units, via existing and approved estate roads; with provision for loading and turning for deliveries and parking for staff and visitors,” said the application’s design and access statement.

Proposals submitted to the council show three units as part of the same building which will form 17 Stanmore Business Park. Existing buildings currently on that land are proposed to be demolished.

The new building containing three units would be built next to a new car park with 17 spaces, including three disability spaces.

There is also a new footpath proposed, leading from the existing estate road to and around the new development.

Submitted plans show two further buildings which are proposed to be built next to an existing car park opposite the other development.

An existing pedestrian crossing would allow people to cross the approved road which separates the two pieces of land.

The planning application includes 24-hour opening times for the buildings.

“The proposal is in keeping with the existing surroundings/buildings within Stanmore Business Park; with proposed new portal framed buildings having no adverse impact and the development providing modern and functional units, increasing business/employment opportunities for the local area,” concludes the design and access statement.

Plans can be viewed on the Shropshire Council’s planning portal on their website, under application number 24/00555/FUL.

Any comments about the proposal need to be made during the consultation phase which ends on March 7, with the plans due to be determined in April.