Shropshire Star

Hundreds sign petition calling for restoration of Bridgnorth town centre building left partly empty

More than 400 people have now signed a petition calling for the restoration of a historic town centre building.

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Earlier this month Bridgnorth resident Huw Rees launched the petition because of his concerns about the state of New Market Building in Bridgnorth's Listley Street.

The landmark building was constructed as a market hall and assembly rooms in the late 1850s.

Designed by Robert Griffiths of Quatford the building includes the prominent Postern Gate tower and was bestowed with Grade II listed status in 1987. The building has previously hosted the Childhood & Costume Museum.

While a number of shops including coffee chain Costa operate out of the building, much of it has been left vacant for years.

The petition calls for repairs to the building – or Shropshire Council to consider a compulsory purchase of the site from its current owner.

The New Market Building in Bridgnorth.

If the number of signatures reaches 1,000 then the petition will be debated by the council.

Mr Rees welcomed the level of support so far – with the petition only being started earlier this month and having attracted 412 signatures.

He said: "It has only been live for two weeks so I am pleased it is getting there.

"It only needs to make it to 1,000 to go to a full council debate so it is really encouraging to see it has got that far already."

Mr Rees said he had also received a number of messages of support for the cause.

He said: "I have had lots of messages online about it. People saying it is about time something was done because it has been so long this building has been falling apart. People are tired of nothing being done so they are happy to see someone trying to do something."

The building was the focus of previous plans for development, when proposals were presented to Shropshire Council by the owner of the building, a London hotelier, to turn it into 33-room hotel around a decade ago, but those fell through.

Mr Rees' petition states: "The New Market Buildings are a significant landmark in Bridgnorth that hold particular historical and architectural value. The building is grade II listed but has fallen into disrepair ."

It adds: "Plans were drawn up to turn the building into a hotel, but this never came to fruition. Shropshire Council instructed the owner to make repairs and keep the exterior maintained to a high standard in 2018 but no significant work has been carried out. Masonry has been falling onto the pavement below, posing a significant safety risk. Repairs are needed urgently to save the building."

The petition is online on the Shropshire Council website and runs until February 12 next year.