Shropshire Star

Plans to convert long-disused pub into flats submitted - though parking concerns locals

Plans to convert a long-disused pub into flats have been submitted.

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The Hare & Hounds on Bernards Hill, Bridgnorth last welcomed customers back in 2017 with permission for the principle of converting the building into homes given a year later.

The owners have now submitted a proposal to fit four flats; three one-bedroom apartments and one studio.

In the planning, design and access statement, Berrys, the agent acting on behalf of the owner, said: "As the public house business ceased the applicant sought to provide a beneficial use for the building and given its context a residential conversion was considered the most appropriate use for the property.

"The original public house provided a three-bedroom managers flat on the first floor with the public house, bar and lounge operating on the ground floor.

"The application provides for the conversion of the building to four one-bedroom self-contained apartments. All work will be achieved by reconfiguring the internal layout, changes to the exterior are limited to minor alterations to the side elevation, all existing openings have been used and therefore the impact on the street scene is minimal."

The agent said the application as "in part retrospective" as work "has commenced" in one of the first floor units, although this has ceased pending the outcome of the planning application.

The former Hare & Hounds, Bridgnorth. Photo: Google

It's also proposed the flats will have a shared garden and patio to the rear, although no parking spaces are included.

Addressing parking, Berrys' statement says that "although there is the provision for on-street parking outside the building the road width and alignment of Bernard Hill limit the availability and potential for parking aside from the space allocated for the original landlord".

The statement goes on: "This needs to be considered in the context of the location, the proximity to the town centre and access also to public transport.

"The units are likely to appeal to tenants who walk to work and to access facilities and it is noted that there are many other locations in historic market towns like Bridgnorth where parking is not available at the premise," adding that the owner also runs the nearby Parlours Hall Hotel and is prepared to allocate three parking spaces there for tenants.

Three objections from nearby residents have been received, citing parking and other nearby developments as the main concerns.

One, Susan Ward, said: "There have already been numerous disputes regarding parking and access issues. The prospect of more dwellings and therefore vehicles, could exacerbate this."

Another, Mrs Pearson, added: "Whilst it is agreed that the proposed properties would best suit single occupiers (or potentially couples) who walk to work, clearly there is no guarantee that this would be the reality. It is entirely possible that each unit could be rented to a couple, each with two vehicles and therefore adding up to eight vehicles, for which parking capacity simply does not exist.

"The proposals are likely to result in added conflict between residents 'fighting' for an available parking space. Residents often seem to believe that they are entitled to park directly outside their home, with a misunderstanding of what is meant by 'on street parking'."

The application can be found at the Shropshire Council planning portal.