Shropshire Star

Wildlife rescuers deal with highest ever number of sick and abandoned animals

A Shropshire wildlife rescue centre has dealt with its highest ever number of sick and abandoned animals in 2021.

Cuan Wildlife Rescue has over 200 hedgehogs this winter

In a Christmas message to supporters, Deb Bolger of Cuan Wildlife Rescue in Much Wenlock explained how many had come through the charity's doors during the year.

She said: "We would like to wish all our supporters a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

"2021 has proved to be another difficult year for us due to the effects of the pandemic on our fundraising activities. We have admitted over 6,000 sick, injured and abandoned animals and birds this year, the highest number yet, and we could not have accomplished this without the generosity of our supporters, who have donated their time, money, food and other essential items to us."

Cuan was not only affected by Covid-19 restrictions, but also the Avian Flu restrictions, which means that they are currently unable to accept birds into their care as the staff there maintain biosecurity over their animals.

Deb added: "A huge thank you to all our volunteers who we really appreciate and value. They do an amazing job whether it be in our hospital, charity shops, rescuing animals or transporting wildlife to the hospital. Without them we just wouldn’t be able to care for Shropshire’s wildlife.

"Currently Cuan Wildlife Rescue have 200 hedgehogs in our care, many of whom are not in hibernation due to the current mild weather, we expect that to change shortly as cold weather is forecast. Please continue to put food and water out if you know there are hedgehogs in your area. As always if you do see hedgehogs out during the day or have any concerns please contact us for advice as soon as possible."

To contact Cuan dial 01952 728070, email, or message them on social media.

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