Music to the ears of canal enthusiasts
A new twist on a transport festival is music to the ears of those wanting to restore the local canal.

Music for the Monty will be taking place in Welshpool during the Welshpool Transport Festival on June 23/24 with the aim of drawing attention to the campaign to reopen the Montgomery Canal.
It will see musicians busking at a number of venues around the town to add a musical touch to the festival and provide additional entertainment for visitors. In addition, there will be an evening concert in Welshpool Town Hall.
All proceeds from the busking and concert tickets will be passed on to the official charities raising funds to reopen the Montgomery Canal through to the Welsh border.
Already a dozen musicians and bands have volunteered to take part in Music for the Monty and the line-up for the evening performance is currently being put together.
The organisers are now offering businesses the opportunity to become sponsors of Music for the Monty.
David Aylwin of Music for the Monty: “We are really pleased with the number of musicians who have come forward to help support our event and there is still room for more.”
“We are also keen to work with local businesses who are willing to support us in our objectives of promoting local talent and restoring the Montgomery Canal. In return, we are offering free tickets to the evening concert, the opportunity to publicise your business to festival visitors and, of course, a sense of pride in helping us reopen this historic canal, which could connect Welshpool to the rest of the canal network and provide a tourism boost to the town’s economy and the surrounding areas.”
To find out more about Music for the Monty, please visit