Shropshire Star

Almost 1,500 breath tests carried out in Dyfed-Powys

Almost 1,500 breath tests were carried out in Dyfed-Powys during December as part of a clamp down on drunk driving.

Last updated

In total across the four Welsh forces, 500 arrests were made.

Dyfed Powys Police made 85 drink drive and 11 drug drive arrests, after carrying out a total 1,419 breath tests.

Chief inspector Mike Melly, Dyfed-Powys Police said “Whilst drink or drug driving has become socially unacceptable there is still a minority of drivers who offend in this way.

"We use various methods to identify drivers who break the law, including intelligence-led operations and targeted patrols. The proportional difference between the number of people being stopped and the number of positive breath tests, shows that this approach is successful. We will continue to target any drivers who drive while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances."


Teresa Ciano, Chair of Road Safety Wales added: “The majority of people are completely aware that using a vehicle after drinking alcohol or taking drugs is dangerous and most thankfully make alternative arrangements to travel.

"Unfortunately, some people are still willing to put themselves or innocent road users at risk and only really learn the consequences of their actions if they’re caught by the Police or are involved in a life-changing collision.

“We’d like to remind people that it makes no difference if you drink cocktails in a sophisticated wine bar with friends or cheap beer at home on your own; if you drive after consuming alcohol the penalties are the same.

"Please don't risk getting a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record, a large fine or up to 6 months in prison for the sake of a taxi or bus fare home.”