Shropshire Star

Homes application submitted

Developers have submitted a request for outline planning permission to build seven affordable dwellings at land next to the former Four Crosses Inn.


Milton Keynes based Eaglescourt Developments Ltd want to build a mix of one, two and three bedroom properties at the site.

The planning application also makes provision for 12 car parking spaces at the site.

The design and access statement says: “The application site sits partly within and partly adjacent to the settlement boundary of Four Crosses, the latter part being a potential exception site meaning it can be given planning permission for affordable homes.

“We will seek to demonstrate that it provides a proportionate and deliverable development opportunity for affordable housing in a large village location with excellent links to both the local community and nearby towns and villages.”

The report also states that in February, Powys County Council (PCC) had recorded that 47 people had registered as being in need of housing in Four Crosses

Of those 18 were looking for one bedroom accommodation, 14 for two bedroom, 14 for three bedroom and one application was for four bedroomed accommodation.

Eaglescourt development added: “If approved this application would go some way to meeting the identified need.

“Although a reserved matter at this time we will ensure that the proposed designs for this site are attractive and of excellent standard and that they have regard for the qualities and amenities of the surrounding area.”

Back in February the applicants were given permission to convert the Four Crosses pub into three homes.

At the time Villagers had complained that they were losing the pub as a facility and had wanted to see it sold as such.

Eaglescourt said that they had tried to sell the pub for more than the required time-scale. The company was also given outline planning permission for four homes in April, at the former pub’s car park area.