Shropshire Star

Councillor seeking farm extension nod

A member of the planning committee will have to declare an interest and leave the chamber while his application to extend a chicken farm is discussed by councillors.


Councillor Gareth Jones, Independent for Llanfair Caereinion, has submitted plans to double the size of his poultry farm from 16,000 to 32,000 at Rhiwhiraeth Isaf, three miles east of Llanfair Caereinion.

The plans are set to be discussed by the planning committee on Thursday, August 22.

The report by planning officers says: “The site is in the existing farm holding by a poultry unit although it is detached from the main farmstead.

“Consent is sought in full for a free range egg production unit measuring approximately 95 metres in length and 20 metres in width.

“The ridge and eaves height measure approximately 5.4 metres and 3 metres respectively.

“The proposed unit will accommodate a maximum of 16,000 birds which will remain within the unit for 13 months, with unrestricted access to more than 16 hectares of ranging area.

“After 13 months, the flock is removed, and the building cleaned before the next flock arrives.”

According to the report: “The existing farm business is understood to be predominantly a sheep and beef enterprise, although it is noted that the applicant recently develop a free range egg production unit.”

The Design and Access statement by agents Roger Parry and Partners, says that the applicants want to: “further develop thee current poultry enterprise providing a stronger source of income whilst increasing their competitiveness which the applicant considers critical in light of the Brexit and future uncertainty.”

Back in April, Llanfair Caereinion Town Council voted in favour of the development.

The planning report finishes: “Having carefully considered the details submitted together with all statutory consultees responses and third party representations.

“Officers are satisfied that the proposed development complies with the relevant policies within the Powys Local Development Plan (LDP).”

They recommend approval subject to 10 conditions which includes deliveries to and from the site should only be between, 8am and 6pm from Monday to Friday, and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.

No deliveries should take place on Sundays or bank holidays.